These Mouches Exquises have a body of tying silk, and two hackle collars. One is at the rear, at the bend of the hook, and the other in its usual place, at the head. Between the two collars there is a clearly defined space. No tails, wings, or elaborate bodies. This silhouette is deliberately nominative. It might suggest the body of an ant or the coupling of a pair of some insect. They are at the other extreme from the imitationism of Halford, Skues and De Boisset.
Tied on Partridge of Redditch Barbless Hook, with Ephemera Pure Silk and Root River Hackle.
Umberto Oreglini is an Italian fly tier, he is dedicating his career as a fly dresser to the study and disclosure of classic flies. He devotes himself to the study of the most significant authors and styles, from the historical British and French flies to the Catskill style flies. He is among the few non-Americans to be recognised as new generation Catskill fly tier from the Catskill Fly Tiers Guild. He keeps studying the history of fly tying of which he has become a profound connoisseur and an addicted enthusiast.