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Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus (FR)
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- Autore Roberto Messori
- Editore Fly Line Edizioni
- Anno 2017
- Prima Edizione
- Condizioni Nuovo Sigillato
- Copertina in Cartone Rigido Laminato
- Centinaia di Illustrazioni a Colori
- Lingua Francese
- Pagine 208
- Dimensioni cm 22 x 30
- ISBN 9788889468166

45,00 € 45.0 EUR 45,00 €

45,00 €

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    Inside Ephemeridae Nuptialis Volatus by Roberto Messori has been carefully presented fourty-nine artificial imitation of dunspinner, and spent of Italian, European, North American ephemera, illustrated with pictures and descriptions. Available in four languagesItalianEnglishGermanFrench.

    Twenty-nine construction types were used, mostly unpublished, for the realization of wingshackles and bodies of imitations. The dressings have been completed with fifty-one pictures of subimagos and imagos of the imitated ephemera.

    The first part of the book analyzes the theory of Fundamental Characteristic and how it relates to the alarm level of fish. Indeed, it is a determining feature to consider when choosing materials and fly tying techniques. The book also describes some models of Renato CellereEnzo Bortolani and Walter Luzi.

    Roberto Messori in this book tie almost exclusively with natural materials. Different models illustrates different fly tying techniques, as the semi parachute, the extended body made by deer hair or pheasant tail made directly on the hook with easy and functional processes, or the Pointillism Fly, based on the decomposition of colors like the famous artistic current.